On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 1:42 PM, Luc Maisonobe <luc.maison...@free.fr> wrote:
> Luc Maisonobe a écrit :
>> So let's vote on this proposal: change the top level package name on
>> [math] from org.apache.commons.math to org.apache.commons.math2.
>> [] +1 change the top level package name
>> []  0 I don't care
>> [] -1 keep the old name
>> Vote open for 72 hours (up to Friday May 19th 20h00 UTC)
> Resending the result due to an error: James Carman vote is also a
> binding vote, sorry for the mishap.
> This vote has failed with the following tally (marking binding votes
> with *):
> +1* Luc Maisonobe
> +1* Henri Yandell
> +1* James Carman
> +1* Brent Worden
> +1  Edward J. Yoon
> +1* Jörg Schaible
> +1  Dimitri Pourbaix (changed from -1 to +1)
> +0  Ted Dunning
> +0  Cyril Briquet
> -0  Bill Barker
> -1  Gilles Sadowski
> -1* Niall Pemberton
> -1* Phil Steitz (changed from +1 to -1)
> So the top level package name will remain org.apache.commons.math

Heh... now there can be a "keep the package name the same" vote that
also fails :)


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