Hi all. Unfortunately, Commons Incubator proposal seems not accepted by IPMC. This result is not a good news to me who wanted to start with Commons Incubator.
I would like to develop the next version of Chain and the seed for it is Robust-Task which was introduced through a previous mail( http://www.nabble.com/Robust-Task-introduction-td22571002.html). Now, two ways may be available in my opinion. 1. Proposal to IPMC In this case, I would like that some of Commons PMCs and committers become mentors for Chain2. Also, as mentioned on Common Incubator proposal discussion, I would like to use an option to graduate to Commons rather than TLP. In my opinion, this approach can be a good practice for Commons which may meet similar problems in the future. 2. Sandbox In this case, I would become a contributor or a committer which should learn Apache way. This is up to Commons PMC but I have already seen Commons PMC`s opinion about this problem through discussion. Of course, I respect and understand Commons PMC`s point of view. What is the better way? Please give me advice. -- Min Cha, Dreaming Developer Task Framework : http://code.google.com/p/robust-coupe/wiki/RobustTaskIntroduction English : http://minslovey.blogspot.com Korean : http://minslovey.tistory.com