On 1/12/08, Jochen Wiedmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jan 12, 2008 3:25 PM, simon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I don't see the point of that at all. Commons-xxx projects do not exist
> > for the purposes of testing maven plugins. If commons-xxx can build
> > successfully with version N of a plugin, then there is no reason to ever
> > use any other version of the plugin.
> >
> > Well, one minor case is with report plugins, so that the reports
> > generated by related modules look similar. But maven can't help with
> > that anyway, as it doesn't provide <pluginManagement>.
> Well that boils down to the question, whether we should have a
> commons-parent or at least whether we should have only one. For
> example, we might as well have a pom with reports only.
> I am personally quite happy about it because I have the feeling that
> it helps me. That's the reason why this discussion engages me. Others
> (including you?) don't seem to keen on using its features.
> I have no particular feelings if a subproject decides to use a
> particular version of the commons-parent pom or not to use it at all.
> OTOH, I'd ask that those who want to use it should be left more alone.

Also note:
 * I believe RMs are left alone to choose ant, m1 or m2, and details
that make sense therein
 * If you have an expectation to be left alone in things such as the
generation and content of L&N files, that expectation is unrealistic
(in other words, there are some things that interest / should interest
everyone and for better or worse, we're consensus driven)


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