On Jan 11, 2008 10:47 AM, Jörg Schaible
> Hi Niall,
> Niall Pemberton wrote:
> > I just made some more changes to commons-parent:
> >   http://svn.apache.org/viewvc?view=rev&revision=611126
> >
> > This includes the "hack" to put the NOTICE/LICENSE files in the
> > javadoc jar (which Dennis was -1 to, but three people agreed). See
> > http://tinyurl.com/2zueu5 for all changes since commons-parent-6.
> >
> > Theres also the issue of specifying the "version" of the
> > remote-resources-plugin - which in previous discussions people
> > objected to. Please Note this is not configuring commons-parent to
> > *use* that plugin - but just to specify the version number *if* a
> > component does use it. I don't mind it going in and it has no impact
> > unless components use it. Does anyone still have a problem with doing
> > this? Also are there any other changes people think should be made
> > before trying to release commons-parent-7?
> You have to set the versions of the plugins used in the reporting section 
> directly. They are not affected by the version set in the pluginManagement 
> section (unfortunatelly). The pluginManagement entries will only influence 
> the plugins of the build section.

Doh! OK thanks for the info - I'll correct it.


> - Jörg
> BTW: Just in case someone does not believe this: Set the version of the 
> javadoc plugin to 2.2 and reference it without version once in the build and 
> the reporting section. Then use M205 to build the site. It will fail, since 
> it tries to use for the report the newer maven-javadoc-plugin 2.3 which needs 
> a newer Maven version.

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