On 1/11/08, Dennis Lundberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Rahul Akolkar wrote:
> > On 1/11/08, Niall Pemberton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> On Jan 11, 2008 10:06 AM, Jochen Wiedmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>> On Jan 11, 2008 10:57 AM, Niall Pemberton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> Theres also the issue of specifying the "version" of the
> >>>> remote-resources-plugin - which in previous discussions people
> >>>> objected to. Please Note this is not configuring commons-parent to
> >>>> *use* that plugin - but just to specify the version number *if* a
> >>>> component does use it. I don't mind it going in and it has no impact
> >>>> unless components use it. Does anyone still have a problem with doing
> >>>> this? Also are there any other changes people think should be made
> >>>> before trying to release commons-parent-7?
> >>> I have no particular problem with it, apart from the fact that I find
> >>> it pointless.
> >>>
> >>> If there is some code that actually uses the plugin, then that makes
> >>> sense. This code might be contained in some profile, in other words,
> >>> not used unless explicitly requested. But just to fix a version
> >>> number? What for?
> >> Because Dennis wants it and if it causes no issues, then its one less
> >> thing to disagree on.
> >>
> > <snip/>
> >
> > But its one more thing to maintain (and update versions, and trigger a
> > pom release etc. -- as an aside, the number of Maven related releases
> > may have exceeded component releases in the recent past).
> We don't have to use the latest versions if we don't want to. If we are
> happy with version 1.0 we can stick with that for ever and ever, without
> the need to update commons-parent.
> The number of Maven related release will decrease over time, once we
> have settled in on how we want to do all things Maven.

Yes, thats the theory.

> > Also, it
> > isn't adding much value given recent discussions and the current state
> > of its implementation, metadata etc. IMO.
> See my comment to Jochen.

I don't buy the reproducibility argument in this context.

> > I don't think of this as having more or less things to disagree on,
> > but we've had a long discussion and the reservations expressed by more
> > than one of us have been well articulated therein, IMO.
> There has been misunderstandings in said discussions regarding this. I
> suggest that you read what Niall wrote in the first mail of this thread
> once more, as he summed up the implications of the change nicely.

I responded to his direct question (or tried to, apparently) about any
downsides to configure mrrp version in the parent (at this point in


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