Hi Niall,

Niall Pemberton wrote:
> I just made some more changes to commons-parent:
>   http://svn.apache.org/viewvc?view=rev&revision=611126
> This includes the "hack" to put the NOTICE/LICENSE files in the
> javadoc jar (which Dennis was -1 to, but three people agreed). See
> http://tinyurl.com/2zueu5 for all changes since commons-parent-6.
> Theres also the issue of specifying the "version" of the
> remote-resources-plugin - which in previous discussions people
> objected to. Please Note this is not configuring commons-parent to
> *use* that plugin - but just to specify the version number *if* a
> component does use it. I don't mind it going in and it has no impact
> unless components use it. Does anyone still have a problem with doing
> this? Also are there any other changes people think should be made
> before trying to release commons-parent-7?

You have to set the versions of the plugins used in the reporting section 
directly. They are not affected by the version set in the pluginManagement 
section (unfortunatelly). The pluginManagement entries will only influence the 
plugins of the build section.

- Jörg

BTW: Just in case someone does not believe this: Set the version of the javadoc 
plugin to 2.2 and reference it without version once in the build and the 
reporting section. Then use M205 to build the site. It will fail, since it 
tries to use for the report the newer maven-javadoc-plugin 2.3 which needs a 
newer Maven version.

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