The vote for Apache Baremaps 0.7.1-rc2 (incubating) passed.

The results are: 7 affirmative (+1) votes; 0 neutral (0) votes; 0 negative (-1) 

+1 (binding) votes:
- Julian Hyde
- George Percival
- Calvin Kirs

+1 (non-binding) votes:
- Antoine Drabble
- Leonard Besseau
- James Smith
- Bertil Chapuis

The first paragraph of the email sent to the general mailing-list contained a 
link to the summary of the votes previously published on this mailing list.

Sorry for reposting, I hope this email prevent any confusion on the mailing 

> On 20 Mar 2023, at 17:04, Julian Hyde <> wrote:
> Bertil,
> Can you please send one more email, with [RESULT] prefixing the subject, and 
> stating that the vote passed. (Just like a Boolean RPC, every vote thread 
> must end with a RESULT (pass or fail) or CANCELED.)
> Then post the URL of that result to the general@ thread. (You didn’t include 
> it, and then Josh posted a link to the RC1 thread, so confusion is about to 
> ensue.)
> On 2023/03/20 15:12:27 Bertil Chapuis wrote:
>> The vote for Apache Baremaps 0.7.1-rc2 (incubating) is now closed.
>> The results are: 7 affirmative (+1) votes; 0 neutral (0) votes; 0 negative 
>> (-1) votes.
>> +1 (binding) votes:
>> - Julian Hyde
>> - George Percival
>> - Calvin Kirs
>> +1 (non-binding) votes:
>> - Antoine Drabble
>> - Leonard Besseau
>> - James Smith
>> - Bertil Chapuis
>> Thank you all for your participation,
>> Bertil
>>> On 20 Mar 2023, at 02:49, Josh Fischer <> wrote:
>>> It is much easier to get binding votes on a dev@ list than general@. In my
>>> experience, if we can get them here the better.  However!  With Heron, I
>>> often had to bring RC votes to general@ with less than 3 binding votes
>>> because we only had one active mentor. If we didn't have an additional
>>> mentor step up after 7 days had passed since the vote opened, I'd bring the
>>> vote to general@ regardless of the number of binding votes, as long as they
>>> were all +1.
>>> Sometimes you have to rock the boat. :-)
>>> On Sun, Mar 19, 2023 at 4:16 PM Julian Hyde <> wrote:
>>>> No, the vote on dev@ needs to pass before a vote on general@ can start.
>>>> (Rationale: minimize the traffic on general@ by filtering out dud release
>>>> candidates.) If mentors voted on the dev@ vote they will often reply to
>>>> the general@ vote with “Forwarding my +1 (binding) from dev@“.
>>>>> On Mar 19, 2023, at 3:20 AM, Bertil Chapuis <> wrote:
>>>>> Hello Calvin,
>>>>> Hello Julian,
>>>>> Thanks a lot for checking the release and helping us adjusting our
>>>> process.
>>>>> Calvin, I see a license and notice file at the root of the binary
>>>> package. Are we supposed to add these files elsewhere? Regarding the maven
>>>> artifacts, the goal is to include them in a future release. Previously, we
>>>> were publishing them on maven central, but we are not sure yet how to
>>>> publish them on apache’s server. Is there a documentation for this? The
>>>> closest I found from a documentation is Zookeepers release procedure [1].
>>>>> Thank you, Julian, for the clarification. If I understand things
>>>> correctly, I should have sent the email for the vote directly to the
>>>> incubator general list and cc'd the Baremaps' dev list. Without further
>>>> notice, I will simply extend this vote by forwarding it to the general
>>>> mailing list on Monday.
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Bertil
>>>>> [1]
>>>>>> On 19 Mar 2023, at 04:25, Calvin Kirs <> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> +1 (binding) we used DISCLAIMER-WIP
>>>>>> I checked:
>>>>>> - incubating in the name
>>>>>> - signature and hashes are fine
>>>>>> - DISCLAIMER-WIP exists
>>>>>> - LICENSE and NOTICE exist
>>>>>> -Can compile from source
>>>>>> In addition to what Julian said, I have a little addition.
>>>>>> The license file and NOTICE of the binary package are missing. It
>>>>>> seems that we have not done this work. Maybe it can be done in the
>>>>>> next version.
>>>>>> Another point, did we forget to publish maven components? Sorry I
>>>>>> didn't find it, I don't know what I missed.
>>>>>> On Sun, Mar 19, 2023 at 1:39 AM Julian Hyde <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> I agree with your conclusion, not entirely with your reasoning. We
>>>> will need three IPMC votes during the vote on general@i.a.o <mailto:
>>>> general@i.a.o> but we don’t technically need them now, and they don’t
>>>> strictly need to be mentors. We need information, so that you as RM can
>>>> make an informed decision about whether this RC is good. And it is
>>>> reasonable to ask mentors to scrutinize and vote on releases at the dev@
>>>> stage.
>>>>>>> I saw that George voted (thanks!). Can we have a vote from one or two
>>>> more mentors - Bertrand, Calvin, Martin - so that if there are problems we
>>>> can save everyone the trouble of an IPMC vote.
>>>>>>> Julian
>>>>>>>> On Mar 18, 2023, at 4:46 AM, Bertil Chapuis <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Thank you all for your valuable input on the release and for the nice
>>>> GitHub activity following our mailing list discussion.
>>>>>>>> According to the incubation process [1], we require three IPMC votes
>>>> for approval. We currently have two (thanks, George and Julian) and await a
>>>> third.
>>>>>>>> I propose extending the 72-hour deadline to secure the final IPMC
>>>> vote, after which we'll determine if we release 0.7.1-rc2 or introduce a
>>>> third release candidate.
>>>>>>>> Enjoy your weekend,
>>>>>>>> Bertil
>>>>>>>> [1] -
>>>>>>>>> On 17 Mar 2023, at 13:00, George Percivall
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> +1
>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Mar 17, 2023, 7:17 AM James Smith <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>> I change my 0 by a +1.
>>>>>>>>>> I resolve the problem of the test failing on my machine.
>>>>>>>>>> It was due to the fact that my system was in French and not in
>>>> English.
>>>>>>>>>> I track this issue here:
>>>>>>>>>> Have a good day.
>>>>>>>>>> James Smith
>>>>>>>>>> On 2023/03/17 09:03:17 James Smith wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi!
>>>>>>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>>>>>> - Test the bin on macOS 13.2.
>>>>>>>>>>> - Check the hash of the bin and src release.
>>>>>>>>>>> - I have a failed test `IpLocTest.findAll:94 expected: <7> but
>>>> was: <6>`
>>>>>>>>>> with maven 3.8.1, java 17.0.2-oracle will running a `mvn clean
>>>> install`. I
>>>>>>>>>> have not looked why this test failed for the moment.
>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>> James Smith
>>>>>>>>>>> On 2023/03/14 20:20:19 Bertil Chapuis wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello Everyone,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Let’s give this a second attempt ;)
>>>>>>>>>>>> Please, Do not hesitate to participate and vote even if you're not
>>>>>>>>>> actively involved in the project or if you just subscribed to the
>>>> mailing
>>>>>>>>>> list. This release process is a great opportunity to engage the
>>>> community
>>>>>>>>>> and gather valuable feedback.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I have created a build for Apache Baremaps 0.7.1 (incubating),
>>>> release
>>>>>>>>>> candidate 2.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this release and helped
>>>>>>>>>> improving the release process.
>>>>>>>>>>>> You can read the release notes here:
>>>> <
>>>>>>>>>>>> The commit to be voted upon:
>>>>>>>>>> <
>>>>>>>>>> <
>>>>>>>>>>>> Its hash is 6619632bb56dd20d58280329c5105208c342bfc1 and its tag
>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>> v0.7.1-rc2.
>>>>>>>>>>>> The artifacts to be voted on are located here:
>>>> <
>>>>>>>>>>>> The hashes of the artifacts are as follows:
>>>> d91dd0f1ebc30a24c7660f6099032eb3b0bc0b36db867dee85e2f8fb6da18113f4b2381fc34a757eb1c0e91522372c66ea75faadc37680cf4c3177ca4eef97a1
>>>>>>>>>> ./baremaps-0.7.1-incubating-src.tar.gz
>>>> 5023a16b337e75edd58d06b024fb840ad03030885011ab592919aeddc9b1e32fec9969b41037cbb36bb65749e8b05e9da423acac674eba9174ba5001e8fd5074
>>>>>>>>>> ./baremaps-0.7.1-incubating-bin.tar.gz
>>>>>>>>>>>> Release artifacts are signed with the following key:
>>>>>>>>>>>> <
>>>>>>>>>>>> <
>>>>>>>>>>>> The README file for the src distribution contains instructions for
>>>>>>>>>> building and testing the release.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Please vote on releasing this package as Apache Baremaps 0.7.1
>>>>>>>>>> (incubating).
>>>>>>>>>>>> The vote is open for the next 72 hours and passes if a majority
>>>> of at
>>>>>>>>>> least three +1 PMC votes are cast.
>>>>>>>>>>>> [ ] +1 Release this package as Apache Baremaps 0.7.1 (incubating)
>>>>>>>>>>>> [ ] 0 I don't feel strongly about it, but I'm okay with the
>>>> release
>>>>>>>>>>>> [ ] -1 Do not release this package because...
>>>>>>>>>>>> Here is my vote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> +1 (binding)
>>>>>>>>>>>> - Verified the GPG signatures
>>>>>>>>>>>> - Verified the SHA256 checksums
>>>>>>>>>>>> - Builded and tested the src distribution
>>>>>>>>>>>> - Installed the bin distribution
>>>>>>>>>>>> Bertil
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>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Best wishes!
>>>>>> CalvinKirs
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