Many people seem to be asking, essentially: What will happen to old bugs?
I'm trying to follow the discussion, and I'm not clear on this myself.

For example, "Splinter will be turned off." For commenting and reviewing,
okay, understood. What about viewing patches on old bugs?

Yes, Phabricator will segregate review comments and general discussion. But
keeping all the comments in one thread is a mixed blessing, too; for
example, check out bug 1271650 and try to tell me what the status of each
patch is. "Well, those patches should be split across several bugs." Okay,
but that fragments the conversation too.

There's an inherent tension here, and Ye Olde Bugzilla Patch Review Process
is more of a lovingly polished turd than a good solution.

On Thu, Jul 13, 2017 at 8:39 PM, Boris Zbarsky <> wrote:

> On 7/13/17 9:04 PM, Mark Côté wrote:
>> It is also what newer systems
>> do today (e.g. GitHub and the full Phabricator suite)
> I should note that with GitHub what this means is that you get discussion
> on the PR that should have gone in the issue, with the result that people
> following the issue don't see half the relevant discussion. In particular,
> it's common to go off from "reviewing this line of code" to "raising
> questions about what the desired behavior is", which is squarely back in
> issue-land, not code-review land.
> Unfortunately, I don't know how to solve that problem without designating
> a "central point where all discussion happens" and ensuring that anything
> outside it is mirrored there...
> -Boris
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