On 14/07/2017 05:39, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
> I should note that with GitHub what this means is that you get
> discussion on the PR that should have gone in the issue, with the result
> that people following the issue don't see half the relevant discussion.
> In particular, it's common to go off from "reviewing this line of code"
> to "raising questions about what the desired behavior is", which is
> squarely back in issue-land, not code-review land.
> Unfortunately, I don't know how to solve that problem without
> designating a "central point where all discussion happens" and ensuring
> that anything outside it is mirrored there...

Yeah, we frequently had that problem with Gaia issues as part of Firefox
OS. Reviews were done on GitHub's PR so the bugzilla entries were often
empty (even for bugs with huge, complex patch-sets). To gather any kind
of information one had to go and check the comments on the PR itself
which not only was less-than-optimal but made life a lot harder for
those not directly involved with development.

It's not a dealbreaker for me but it's something that should be kept in


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