On 2017-07-13 3:54 PM, Randell Jesup wrote:
On Wed, Jul 12, 2017 at 11:27 AM, Byron Jones <g...@mozilla.com> wrote:

But indeed having also the patches in bugzilla would be good.

no, it would be bad for patches to be duplicated into bugzilla.  we're
moving from bugzilla/mozreview to phabricator for code review, duplicating
phabricate reviews back into the old systems seems like a step backwards
(and i'm not even sure what the value is of doing so).

I find this a strange argument.  We don't know how successful phrabricator
is going to be.  The last attempt to switch review tools seems to be
getting killed.  I think its somewhat reasonable to be skeptical of further
review tool changes.

I quite agree...  And I hate the idea of having the data spread across
systems (which I also disliked in MozReview, which I tried and it ended
up being really bad for some aspects of my ability to land patches).

Mirroring comments from Phabricator to BMO is even more confusing, as we end up with forked discussions, where some people reply only on BMO. This happens regularly with MozReview, as a quick survey of recently fixed bugs shows. Keeping code review in one place, loosely coupled to issue tracking, improves readability of bugs by keeping discussion of issues separate from specific solutions. It is also what newer systems do today (e.g. GitHub and the full Phabricator suite), which I mention not as a reason in and of itself but to note precedent. The plan is to move to a separate, more modern, and more powerful code-review tool. Forked discussions means that the bugs will always have to be consulted for code reviews to progress, which undermines the utility of the code-review tool itself. Loose coupling also frees us to try experiments like patches without bugs, which has been discussed many times but has been technically blocked from implementation.

That said, lightweight linkages between issues and code review are very useful. We're doing some of that, and we're open to iterating more there.

We've been asked to be bold and innovate all across Mozilla, to try new things and see if they work. For a long time, Mozillians have discussed modernized workflows, with new tools that also open more avenues to automation, but such things have been rarely attempted, and even then in a disorganized fashion. We're finally at a time when we have the ability and support to forge ahead, and that's what we're doing.

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