On Wed, Jul 12, 2017 at 11:27 AM, Byron Jones <g...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> But indeed having also the patches in bugzilla would be good.
> no, it would be bad for patches to be duplicated into bugzilla.  we're
> moving from bugzilla/mozreview to phabricator for code review, duplicating
> phabricate reviews back into the old systems seems like a step backwards
> (and i'm not even sure what the value is of doing so).

I find this a strange argument.  We don't know how successful phrabricator
is going to be.  The last attempt to switch review tools seems to be
getting killed.  I think its somewhat reasonable to be skeptical of further
review tool changes.

Also, I have to say the whole phabricator thing has been kind of presented
as a fait accompli. As someone who continues to use splinter on a daily
basis I'm 1) skeptical and 2) kind of unhappy.

Maybe phabricator will be great, but I'll believe it when I see it.  Please
don't force future data and workflow into an as-yet unproven tool.


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