Removing the style guide for “prefix function arguments with a” will not 
preclude people from naming a variable aFoo.  At least the current style guide 
precludes people from naming non-function arguments that way, albeit indirectly.

I’m trying to understand the possible outcomes of this particular conversation:

a) Nothing happens.  We leave a prefix in the style guide, some code ignores 
it, some follows it.
b) We change the style guide to remove the a prefix
  1) We wholesale modify the code to remove the prefix, catching scenarios 
where we have a clash
  2) We don’t do a wholesale modification
     i) We get rid of a’s as we modify the code anyway
    ii) We get rid of a’s one file at a time as we see fit
   iii) We get rid of a’s one function at a time
c) We change the style guide to prohibit the a prefix
  1) We wholesale modify the code to remove the prefix, catching scenarios 
where we have a clash
  2) We don’t do a wholesale modification
     i) We get rid of a’s as we modify the code anyway
    ii) We get rid of a’s one file at a time as we see fit
   iii) We get rid of a’s one function at a time

I can’t imagine the mess of any option that includes “1” and wholesale code 
modification, and if you remove those, the rest of the sort of start looking 
more or less the same.

I find a’s useful, but I’ve spent enough time in different codebases that I 
don’t think those types of things are ever worth the level of energy we expend 
on them.  As long as we’re not adding _ in the variable names.  That’s just 
wrong. ;)

- Milan

On Jul 7, 2015, at 16:33 , Jeff Gilbert <> wrote:

> ...
> I have found no other style guide that recommends `aFoo`. Why are we
> different? Why do we accept reduced readability for all external
> contributors? Why do so many other Mozilla projects not use this alleged
> readability aid?
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