On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 8:45 PM, Robert O'Callahan <rob...@ocallahan.org> wrote:
> That's a mistake. Module owners don't have the authority to make up their
> own style. Who has been doing this?

I was under the impression that they did have that authority, though I
can't find written evidence for it right now.  MFBT is one example
(see mfbt/STYLE) and storage is another (see storage/style.txt).

MFBT style is, in my opinion, a particularly awkward mix of Gecko and
SpiderMonkey styles, with a few unique quirks such as the indenting of
class bodies (one indent for private/protected/public, and a second
indent for everything else).  I don't know why a module created less
than two years ago has its own style.

I strongly agree that allowing module owners to dictate their own
styles is a terrible idea;  it has slowed down the getting of r+ for
me before on multiple occasions, as I had to tweak a patch to fit a
non-standard style.  Officially removing this allowance for small
modules would be a good first step.  (I say small modules because I
don't see SpiderMonkey's style changing to match Gecko's any time soon
-- there's just too much code there.)

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