On 12/19/2013, 9:05 PM, Bobby Holley wrote:
    That aside, what you describe sounds like 'too many' styles, almost
    definitionally, if it's such a major pain. However, there are
    quantities between 'one' and 'many', so I don't think that because
    'too many' is clearly bad, we have to choose 'one'. It's easy to say
    "we should all use the same style" before we agree what that ideal
    style is.

We're never going to reach consensus on what's pretty. I think we should
bring up any issues for discussion, hear people out, and then delegate
the decision to someone like bsmedberg.

Amen to that!

    The last bit of the problem is that *all of Gecko* is currently
    'files with existing styles', so I'm not sure how that can mesh with
    having 'one true style' unless we have an initiative to actually
    convert over all mis-styled files.

    If we either fail to convert large parts of Gecko, or fail to
    address concerns people have, we're just going to end up with the
    same style fiefdoms we already have.

I don't think it's realistic to convert all of Gecko to one style (among
other things, it would break blame).

Breaking blame is the wrong reason. It's very rare that you get to the bottom of a session of blame by doing just one blame. You often need to go several revisions back into the history, and adding one more step once won't make things considerably more complicated.

We do have a history of mass tree wide changes that touch many lines of code and everybody has managed to survive blaming past those changes.

> I think preserving existing style
is the right approach.

The existing style in the same file? That is a much smaller gain than what I wish to get out of this conversation.

> But my point is that we should establish and
document an _ideal_ style for all of Gecko, and that module owners
should make every effort to converge on that style (even if they don't
like parts of it), rather than using the existing discord as an excuse
to impose their aesthetic whims on the code under their control.

And that should include accepting patches to fix the style across their module. ;-)

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