On 4/17/13 11:52 AM, Ralph Giles wrote:
On 13-04-17 10:20 AM, Gregory Szorc wrote:

I agree the behavior is not expected if you're coming from a traditional
configure + make background. However, I believe automatic clobbering is
what the plurality of people want.

Can the mach tool do the clobbering then? If you're correct in your
belief that will encourage adoption.

It /could/, sure. However, I consider auto clobbering a core build system feature (sheriffs were very vocal about wanting it). As such, it needs to be part of client.mk. (Please correct me if I am wrong.)

Auto clobbering is currently hooked up in client.mk (it was previously called as part of configure). Since |mach build| calls client.mk to build, two birds one stone.

On a related note, the fact that mach has some features (like compiler warning detection) that client.mk doesn't is due to the way mach initially landed. Bug 860963 tracks moving some of these features away from mach and into the core build system so client.mk can leverage them as well. This could enable tracking of compiler warnings across official builds and possibly notifications when you introduce a new compiler warning. Although, there is no definitive plans for that AFAIK - I just want to enable it to occur.
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