The CLOBBER file landed a few months ago to help us detect and prevent
known build bustage. Since then, a lot of people (myself included) have
pushed to trees not knowing they needed to force a clobber first,
causing burnage. Others have been frustrated that |hg pull -u && mach
build| followed by a coffee break didn't always result in a complete build.

Well, that's about to change. In bug 837323 we are changing the default
build system behavior to auto clobber. If CLOBBER has been updated, the
tree will automatically clobber (the object directory will be completely
deleted) unless 1 of the following is true:

* Your mozconfig contains |mk_add_options NO_AUTOCLOBBER=1| or your
environment contains NO_AUTOCLOBBER.
* The current working directory is under the topobjdir (e.g.
objdir/browser). cwd == topobjdir will still clobber.
* You invoke make or pymake directly from the objdir (you don't use mach
or to build).

If clobber is required and isn't automatically performed or encounters
an error, you'll see a large message indicating what's going on and what
you'll need to do to fix the issue.

If you notice any problems, please report them immediately via bugs
(Core :: Build Config) and/or IRC pings (#build is preferred).

Expect the change to land on inbound by the end of the day.

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