On 4/17/13 6:08 AM, Chris Lord wrote:
Just my opinion on this, I don't care enough to argue it more than this;

rm -rf <any directory> in response to configure, by default, is *not*
expected, or reasonable behaviour. Rather than having an environment
variable to turn this off, it should be the other way round. I can see
people getting caught out by this, even one of the students I was
mentoring stored things in the objdir (against my advice, mind, but all
the same).

I think it's a reasonable statement to say that people don't expect a
configure script to delete things, especially things it may not have
created. Either there should be a more reliable clean-up method, or I
don't think this should be default behaviour.

I agree the behavior is not expected if you're coming from a traditional configure + make background. However, I believe automatic clobbering is what the plurality of people want.

I think there is room for the UX to be better. For example, if we need to clobber and are in an interactive shell, we can display a warning message and give the user a few seconds to ctrl+c before clobbering. Would that be satisfactory?
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