On June 21, 2024 4:26:41 PM UTC, Russ Allbery <r...@debian.org> wrote:
>Ansgar 🙀 <ans...@43-1.org> writes:
>> On Fri, 2024-06-21 at 08:29 -0700, Russ Allbery wrote:
>>> Wait, why would I ever want to upload a 3.0 (native) package for a
>>> non-native package with the tooling as it is today in Debian?
>> As far as I understand this whole thread is about changing the tooling.
>This whole thread is about deploying something that already works with our
>existing tooling and doesn't require boil-the-ocean changes to Debian
>infrastructure or workflows.

This whole thread is about a draft GR to override a FTP Master decision based 
on a claim that they had refused to engage with the tag2upload developers for 
years to explain their concerns or work on resolving them.

None of that turned out to be accurate.

Given that, perhaps debian-vote isn't the best place to do archive design work 
and we should stop and try to actually collaborate on an appropriate solution.

Scott K

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