Simon Richter writes ("Re: [RFC] General Resolution to deploy tag2upload"): > On 6/17/24 20:38, Jonathan Carter wrote: > > When it comes to tag2upload, I believe it's something that most people > > would want. At least it doesn't take away from any existing workflow or > > force people to change their habits right away, so in terms of being > > able to gain support for it, it has a lot going for it. > > Is tag2upload completely orthogonal to any efforts to move all packages > to git-based team maintenance?
There is a technical and a social answer to your question. The social answer is that there is absolutely no connection. The tag2upload team, like the dgit team, are not interested in trying to get everyone to use the same development practices. We aim to provide tooling that supports everyone - in their current practices - insofar as we can. The technical answer is that they're *almost* completely orthogonal. You can't use tag2upload unless you're using git, obviously. But t2u supports single maintainers using git locally and just pushing to Salsa as an output; git based collaboration via Salsa MRs; NMUs; gbp; git-dpm; git-debrebase; git-merge; and, everything in between and around. "Move all packages to git-based team maintenance" implies using git, so I guess that it would make tag2upload more available. Maybe it implies some standardisation of git workflows. You'd have to ask people who are favour of such ideas what they think. But tag2upload does not depend on standardisation of development practices. Indeed, tag2upload (and before it, dgit) *supports* the continued existence of multiple git workflows, by providing a coherent taxonomy of representations, and convenient automated tooling for converting between them. It makes Debian's multiple workflows more workable for everyone. As for teams vs individuals: tag2upload doesn't care at all about maintainership. It only cares that the signed git tag, indicating the intent to upload, is signed by a DD - just like the archive right now. How that uploader decided to upload, and what they decided to upload, is a matter for the uploader. tag2upload just follows their instructions. Ian. -- Ian Jackson <> These opinions are my own. Pronouns: they/he. If I emailed you from or, that is a private address which bypasses my fierce spamfilter.