Le dimanche 04 mars 2007 à 18:13 +1000, Anthony Towns a écrit :
> Yup, though that shouldn't be much of a challenge. The other problem
> is that the list doesn't seem active, so it's not incredibly clear that
> people are actively maintaining the port.

The number of patches submitted for this port should clarify the state
of its maintenance.

> > >I don't really see how it would benefit from being added to the archive,
> > porters NMU, 
> I'm not seeing why you need to be in the archive to do NMUs to improve
> packages?

Because some maintainers refuse such NMUs for unofficial architectures.
Practically speaking, it is impossible to achieve the conditions for
testing qualification without being official. The amd64 port was
exceptional on this matter because it could gather a great number of
contributors, who could compensate for the extra amount of work required
because they were outside the archive.

> > posibility to start negotiation with RM to be included with 
> > lenny (after etch is out, of course), ...
> That doesn't look realistic to me, and seems a bit premature as a
> justification for getting into the archive anyway.

Both kfreebsd ports are currently the closest ones to be able to reach
testing qualification, and they are much closer to it than the Hurd
port. If you reject them, what are you going to accept?

> But what I mean is more that maintaining two simple Debian patches (one
> for Linux, one for kFreeBSD) is probably simpler than maintaining one
> complicated Debian patch (with some conditional make cruft).


Sorry, but reading this just makes it obvious - to those who didn't
already know it - that you have not been doing serious maintainer work

> And probably
> more importantly, it means that you can do immediately upload stuff for
> kfreebsd without *any* risk of breaking the Linux version. 

Yeah, sure, relibtoolize patches and conditional configure options have
caused incredible numbers of bugs. What an important problem with the
inclusion of this port, sure.

> Does that make it a bit clearer what I mean b?

Yes, it makes clear that you are ready to say anything to justify not
doing your ftpmaster job correctly.

> The other side is just making the Debian mirror network available for
> kfreebsd users. With only a couple of dozen apparent users, I'm not
> really convinced that's particularly valuable though. YMMV.

Again, you're dismissing requests with an egg-and-chicken loop.

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  `-        our own. Resistance is futile.

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