On Tue, Mar 06, 2007 at 12:29:58AM +1000, Anthony Towns wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 05, 2007 at 08:29:30AM +0100, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
> > > > Why did we do SCC for then ?
> > > So that we could cope with the increasing size of the archive.
> > The announce mentioned the possibility to add some suites due to that. It
> > didn't mention the possibility to add new architectures... but I feel that
> > the logic is the same. 
> It's precisely the same. Suites and architectures can be added now,
> but they still need to be clearly worthwhile.

  uuuuh, I'm curious, what is the definition of worthwhile for you ? I
thought passing the SCC conditions was beeing worthwhile, excuse me if I
look confused, but I _really_ am here.

  And I do ask for two of your hats, the ftpmaster and the DPL

> > > > I'm certainly uneasy with your answers. To me, having a Debian 
> > > > GNU/FreeBSD
> > > > looks like a very valuable goal and we should support it, each at our 
> > > > own
> > > > level. One shouldn't need more "justification" than this.
> > > The first pass justifications we have are at
> > >   http://ftp-master.debian.org/archive-criteria.html
> > > If you're already satisfied that kfreebsd is a "valuable goal" you should
> > > work on it, not expect anyone else to.
> > You're not asked to work much on it. 
> You're asking me to work on it right now.

  Where ? I've seen Aurélien asking what the candidates thought of
integrating kfreebsd, most answered that it had to be done just after
etch release (and I concur). I've not seen anyone asking for immediate
action, or this was behind the scenes...

> > > There are people who would like to repackage all of Debian optimised for
> > > their particular processor, or without Gnome libraries, and all sorts
> > > of other things. That's fine -- if that's what they want, they should
> > > do it. But to actually have it be in the archive and on the mirrors,
> > > it should pass some basic minimum standards of being useful.
> > I don't discuss that. I simply say that IMO kfreebsd-i386 has reached
> > those goals. 
> I'm glad you're convinced, but I'm not.
> > And if you think that some of those goals are not reached, 
> I would much rather be swept off my feet by how clearly the goals have
> been reached, beyond my wildest expectations. Surely if kfreebsd is worth
> doing, it should be spectacularly amazing, not barely reaching whatever
> minimal levels get set. I'm not opposed, I'm just not convinced.

  /me stares incredulously

  When I see some of our _official_ ports (you know like hurd-i386 where
we have bugs like "nice() doesn't work", "select() is buggy" and so
on[0], am I allowed not to understand how we can have hurd as an
official port, and not kfreebsd that is able to build a significant part
of the archive _and_ having it working ?  I'm sorry, but there _must_ be
a step I'm missing here.

  [0] http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?pkg=libc0.3;dist=unstable
·O·  Pierre Habouzit
··O                                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
OOO                                                http://www.madism.org

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