On Saturday 16 November 2024 01:03:34 pm Greg Wooledge wrote:
> > Debian machines are on the 192.168.1.xxx network.  I keep a W10
> > machine on the 192.168.2.x network, primarily to access the chewy.com
> > web site which, since about June, serves my Debian machines a blank
> > white page.
> I've been thinking about this some more, and I'd like to try to list
> all the ways the OP might have caused this to fail.
> We start by observing that nobody else has been able to reproduce the
> OP's failure.  Several people (including myself) have responded saying
> that chewy.com works just fine for them from a Debian web browser.
> So, the problem appears to be unique to the OP's setup.
> What could cause this?
> * Wrong browser.  We don't know which browser the OP is using primarily;
>   in a follow-up, they said they've tried Firefox, Chromium, and Brave.
>   Other people have reported that it works in Firefox and Chrome.
> * Browser configuration.  The OP might have installed an add-on that's
>   interfering with this site, or they might have changed a setting.
>   A few people have suggested that the OP try a pristine browser profile,
>   or a pristine user account with no customizations.
> * Firewall.  The OP mentions separate networks.  It's unclear whether
>   the configuration of the router/firewall is different between the
>   two networks.  A firewall could be blocking traffic to some web
>   server(s) that are needed to render this site, or there could be
>   a misbehaving proxy, etc.  Moving the Debian host to the other network
>   might be a quick way to test this.
> * DNS blocking.  Some people edit their /etc/hosts files to prevent
>   connections to various hosts, and then they often forget they've
>   done this.  The OP might want to check whether their /etc/hosts file
>   has been modified.  Or, if the Debian system is running its own
>   nameserver, the nameserver's configuration should be checked (or
>   temporarily switch the local nameserver to the one used by the
>   Windows systems).
> Anything else?
I routinely get that "blank white page" result in firefox here,  and find that 
fiddling with the settings in the noscript plugin often fixes it.  OTOH,  if a 
web site wants to be *that* obnoxious I'll often decide that they're not worth 
the trouble of bothering with.  :-)

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ablest -- form of life in this section of space,  a critter that can
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