On Mon 13 Apr 2020 at 10:13:33 +0300, Andrei POPESCU wrote:

> On Du, 12 apr 20, 10:55:48, Nate Bargmann wrote:
> > 
> > I've been hearing/reading this old saw about "less technical users" for
> > well over two decades, and not just in Linux land but amateur radio as
> > well, and it really touches a nerve of mine.  How are less technical
> > users ever going to progress into more technical users unless they have
> > the opportunity to break something and thus learn?  Striving to make
> > *everything* at beginner level 0.1 just retards growth.  That said, I do
> > use Gnome.  ;-)
> And I thought the point of debian-user was to provide support :)

It is and it does. The well-meaning idea to integrate its functions
into something it was never intended for is misplaced. That's all
apart from the many years of culture and co-operation which are
woven into -users fabric.

If the proposer and supporters of the idea that debian-user would be
be better off in Discourse were prepared to engage here, we might have
a better understanding of the intention. I fear such engagement will
be conspicuous by its absence.

A similar, less constrictive, idea has been tried before


and has failed miserably.


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