On 2020-04-14, Andrei POPESCU <andreimpope...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> https://lists.debian.org/debian-project/2020/04/msg00074.html

>>  What about the mailing lists?
>>    This may or may not be a replacement for any particular list.

>>  Be specific!
>>    Ok... I think debian-user, debian-vote and possibly debian-project
>>    would be better off in Discourse.

>> Obviously, as usual, confusion reigns supreme.
> To me "may or may not be a replacemnt" and "would be better of" are
> very far away from "I propose to replace X with Y".

It is also rather distant from "Nobody is proposing replacing
debian-user with Discourse," so I guess we're kind of even, though I
think my interpretation is closer to the truth than your flat and
unequivocal dismissal. I'm sorry, but it does follow from Neil's
comments that replacing debian-user by Discourse is under consideration
(as he *specified* debian-user as a *particular list* he believes would
benefit from the shift).

> Maybe this is because English is not my first language. Or not.
> Kind regards,
> Andrei
> http://wiki.debian.org/FAQsFromDebianUser

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