On Ma, 14 apr 20, 09:49:16, Curt wrote:
> On 2020-04-14, Andrei POPESCU <andreimpope...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > To me "may or may not be a replacemnt" and "would be better of" are
> > very far away from "I propose to replace X with Y".
> It is also rather distant from "Nobody is proposing replacing
> debian-user with Discourse," so I guess we're kind of even, though I
> think my interpretation is closer to the truth than your flat and
> unequivocal dismissal.

Let's agree to disagree on this, see below on why.

> I'm sorry, but it does follow from Neil's
> comments that replacing debian-user by Discourse is under consideration
> (as he *specified* debian-user as a *particular list* he believes would
> benefit from the shift).

Debian's lists are under the responsibility of the Listmaster Team[1] 
and so far they haven't expressed any opinion on this. Even if some 
other Debian Member would explicitly advance a proposal to change 
something regarding Debian's lists they are in charge to approve and 
implement (and no, they can't be forced to do this, because they are 

What *may* happen:

If (and only if) Discourse is popular enough it could be promoted to an 
official channel (moved from debian.net to debian.org), most likely 
operated by a completely different team than the Listmasters.

As we have seen with shapado/ask.debian.net this might *never* happen.

If (and only if) *some* mailing list is not useful anymore it could be 
disabled by the Listmaster Team (regardless of the popularity of some 
other official channel).

With 3000+ subscribers I don't see this happening for debian-user 
anytime soon. If it's going to see any significant decline in use it 
will probably be correlated to general decline in e-mail use.

I'm not aware of any list on lists.debian.org with as many subscribers 
as debian-user, only debian-devel comes close with 2500+ subscribers.

Do note that some lists on lists.debian.org have less than 100 

[1] I was under the impression they are delegated as per Debian's 
Constitution, though I can't find any proof of that now.

Kind regards,

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