* On 2020 12 Apr 10:06 -0500, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> On Du, 12 apr 20, 16:23:52, to...@tuxteam.de wrote:
> > On Sun, Apr 12, 2020 at 07:57:22AM -0600, Keith Christian wrote:

> > On the other hand there are the silos, which like to have more end
> > user control, which you can't have as much if everyone gets to
> > see their content the way they like.
> I seriously doubt developers care about that. As far as I can tell most 
> of them are trying to provide just enough[2] customization options 
> without overwhelming less technical users.

I've been hearing/reading this old saw about "less technical users" for
well over two decades, and not just in Linux land but amateur radio as
well, and it really touches a nerve of mine.  How are less technical
users ever going to progress into more technical users unless they have
the opportunity to break something and thus learn?  Striving to make
*everything* at beginner level 0.1 just retards growth.  That said, I do
use Gnome.  ;-)

> As far as I can tell for Debian the main drivers are:
> 1. The hope that software like Discourse can improve the quality of 
> discussion as well as signal-to-noise ration, e.g. by providing an 
> alternative to "+1" messages.

As the message archive is centrally managed, moderators can remove
messages behind the scenes, for good or for ill.  On a mailing list we
all get the good with the bad.  It's up to us which is which.  Yeah it's
messy and doesn't provide much of a safe space.  Viva la liberty!

> 2. Providing communication options that are preferred by the younger 
> generation, and that's just the natural course of life.

More than likely this is driven by mobile device users where typing is a
pain at best and typing long missives is better left for when one is at
a real computer.

As I use neomutt as an MUA and make heavy use of procmail filtering,
trying to access my mail via my phone simply isn't feasible.  Unlike
most I do not have a Gmail account to access from my phone, etc.

- Nate


"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true."

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