On Du, 12 apr 20, 16:43:12, Reco wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 12, 2020 at 04:30:05PM +0300, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> > 
> > Having a highly e-mail centric community like Debian using it is likely 
> > to have a significant impact on its development.
> While I admire your optimistic view on things, there's a thing to
> consider:
> 1) The proposition was made by Neil McGovern, who's currently listed as
> an Executive Director at [1].
> 2) GNOME, for the last ten years or so is known for their own, unique
> approach to the usability and the pursuit of the Modern Desktop™. The end
> result of this, let's put it lightly, is not to everyone's liking.
I'm quite sure the affiliation of *one* Debian Member with a completely 
different project has very little (if any) relevance for how Discourse 
will develop in the future.

> 3) Summing these two, there's distinct possibility that "e-mail
> interaciton with Discourse" will be considered UnModern in the
> not-so-distant future, and we all known how they deal with UnModern in

Discourse developers may as well decide that on their own, without any 
kind of relation to GNOME design decisions.

In my opinion it's more likely to be a decision based on (perceived) 
benefits vs. costs (complexity, security, etc.).

As this is FLOSS one can always chose to contribute, fork or 

Kind regards,

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