On Tue, 24 Jun 1997 11:23:14 -0400 (EDT), Tim Sailer wrote:

>> >I haven't played with the source yet. I was hoping not to. I'm trying to
>> >put together an 'instant ISP' type system, complete with a linux based
>> >term server. I use the SDL WAN cards, with the builtin csu, so I'm
>> >also building a 'pop-in-a-box' solution. Get your phone lines, your
>> >leased line, plug this all in and turn it on.
>> This is what we will be working on....
>> Linux Router Project   www.psychosis.com/linux-router/
>I'm doing a little more that that on the remote end. With a 1 gig drive
>and 64mb ram, you can have DNS, and a web cache running on the box
>too. Using everything you can to reduce the traffic, you can get a lot
>of modems on a 56k line.

Combining your data and terminal server is bad practice and a bad idea.
If you also intend to do all routing from the box you are crazy.

router/terminal server, ok but web/ftp/etc should be in a separate box.

Elite MicroComputers   908-541-4214      http://www.psychosis.com/emc/

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