In your email to me, Adam Shand, you wrote:
> >Is anyone actually using the debian radius package? It doesn't appear
> >to work in any fashion. It seems like all the binaries are looking
> >for /usr/private/etc/raddb/ as in:
> Are you using the Merit or Livingstone version?

Right now, Merit. The livingston seemed to run, but would never 
authenticate. The merit version at least has radcheck to see if you
are answering queries..

> >dict_init: Couldn't open dictionary: /usr/private/etc/raddb/dictionary
> >Did I just miss some config parameter?
> I had a play with the Merit version and completely failed to get it to
> work.  I wrote it off as my inexperience and haven't had a change to play
> with it properly yet.

Since my email, I've made progress. It seems like you have to include
both the  -d and -g flags when you start up radiusd for it to keep running.
radcheck now at least tells me radiusd is running. It still doesn't
authenticate a known correct userid/passwd combo, but that's another day.


            "Camp food always tastes better in the dark!"
** Disclaimer: My views/comments/beliefs, as strange as they are, are my own.**

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