In your email to me, Paul Wade, you wrote:
> On Tue, 24 Jun 1997, Tim Sailer wrote:
> > Well, I've made a bit more progress. The whole problem was that merit 
> > radiusd has been compiled without shadow support. Doing 'shadowconfig off'
> > now allows radpwchk to authenticate properly. So.. has anyone played
> > with the merit version and shadow?
> If you compile on a system with the proper include files in place for
> shadow will that take care of it? The Livingston 2.0 FAQ says this is
> necessary because of different Linux shadow methods.

I haven't played with the source yet. I was hoping not to. I'm trying to
put together an 'instant ISP' type system, complete with a linux based
term server. I use the SDL WAN cards, with the builtin csu, so I'm
also building a 'pop-in-a-box' solution. Get your phone lines, your
leased line, plug this all in and turn it on.


            "Camp food always tastes better in the dark!"
** Disclaimer: My views/comments/beliefs, as strange as they are, are my own.**

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