I compiled Merit and actually got it to work last year on a non-Debian
system. It involved a bit of study and doing things manually. I started at
an ISP that had a Cisco 2516 router and tacacs+ on NT. I switched to 2
Linux systems on an isolated (coax) ethernet. I was able to get client and
server working together this way. I had to use netwatch on each end just
to get the basic communication going.

I seem to remember wanting to switch to Livingston for some reason, but
the project ended because the 'sysadmin' for the ISP would only work with
NT and he was very affordable. He wouldn't configure the Cisco to set up a
dialup test port.

Unless things have improved a lot, you really need to unpack the source to
get an idea of what radius needs/wants. I remember having the dictionary
messages. Was it a line in passwd/groups and ownership? I wish I
remembered exactly.

On Wed, 25 Jun 1997, Adam Shand wrote:

> >Is anyone actually using the debian radius package? It doesn't appear
> >to work in any fashion. It seems like all the binaries are looking
> >for /usr/private/etc/raddb/ as in:
> Are you using the Merit or Livingstone version?
> >dict_init: Couldn't open dictionary: /usr/private/etc/raddb/dictionary
> >Did I just miss some config parameter?
> I had a play with the Merit version and completely failed to get it to
> work.  I wrote it off as my inexperience and haven't had a change to play
> with it properly yet.

+ Paul Wade                         Greenbush Technologies Corporation +
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