In your email to me, Paul Wade, you wrote:
> I compiled Merit and actually got it to work last year on a non-Debian
> system. It involved a bit of study and doing things manually. I started at
> an ISP that had a Cisco 2516 router and tacacs+ on NT. I switched to 2
> Linux systems on an isolated (coax) ethernet. I was able to get client and
> server working together this way. I had to use netwatch on each end just
> to get the basic communication going.

Well, I've made a bit more progress. The whole problem was that merit 
radiusd has been compiled without shadow support. Doing 'shadowconfig off'
now allows radpwchk to authenticate properly. So.. has anyone played
with the merit version and shadow?


            "Camp food always tastes better in the dark!"
** Disclaimer: My views/comments/beliefs, as strange as they are, are my own.**

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