Mehdi,When 0.2 was built there was a hope of getting it into squeeze. I can understand if the boat was missed on that a long time ago.
The issue with #593102 is that the usptream component has an odd layout and so needed to be repacked to build correctly. If we produce a 0.1.1 that ONLY updates the copyright for the icons and does the repacking for ProtectCSF could we get that into squeeze? Of course such a 0.1.1 would not have updated standards versions or updated copyright format etc. As such simply downgrading #599794 to something less serious and waiting for the freeze to lift is attractive if that is an option.
Mehdi Dogguy wrote:
On 10/13/2010 11:11 AM, Nicholas Bamber wrote:I would also like to draw your attention to #593102 . I don't know why the complete absence of one of the components counts as a minor bug.I might be wrong but do you want to have 0.2 in Squeeze? Please note that 0.2 will never land in Squeeze, no matter how many bugs are discovered. And, at some point, if it becomes too buggy, it will be removed from Squeeze. Concerning #593102, it can be considered as a documentation issue :) Regards,
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