Rene Engelhard wrote:

yes. in 1.1.3 it will be fixed upstream.
We took the patch (and *only this patch* extracted from upstream CVS

Do you think this single patch _only_ may cause the problem we are facing?

You don't seriously consider we don't fix the security problem in our

No. Just that you should not use the "security argument" to push untested things close before sarge release especially if you know to be short on ressources to fix a problem if anythings happens afterwards...

And what do you want to say with "in an other distro"? We still have to
fix the security problem for us and they take the same patch from
upstream CVS...

I mean that usually the patch for a known security problem exist when the security problem is disclosed and you just need to apply the proper fix _alone_ quickly and releqse a secured version of the previous package. If you release anything else, you -then_ have to test carefully any unrelated changes that also went into the CVS tree in the mean time before releasing... I have seens many Linux (apache, ..) relesase appearing with only security fixes while the development CVS/bitkeeper tree was full of other unrelated changes that where not enough tested and thus not released at that time.

These were RC bug fixes wrt printing....

I think personnaly printing suppose you can already produce a correct document which is not really the case. You can always export to PDF and print outside OpenOffice Don't you? RC for printing ? So the current bugs should be RC then...

It would be very nice if you wouldn't tell us things we already do know
and I already am going to do but actually help us.. But anyway..

You probably do not _perfectly_ know how to tests changes nor do security fix only related version but as you say "anyway" what is done is done and lets go forward. I have expressed all I wanted to say and now, I'm confident the bugs will be fixed.

And do not misunderstand me : this is absolutely not personnal but I think :
        1) this is an important package
2) with a bug that makes it hardly usable to make any decent presentation, CV, ...

-- eric

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