Rene Engelhard wrote:
I sometimes do not to reply to obvious bugs as long/until as there are no
questions or testing of possible fixes necessary. This is not because I don't
care but simly the time is limited.
Saying you can reproduce the bug is already valuable information. Saying
you have no time to fix is is also important as I can probably fix it
myself (at least the crash...). If noone respond, nobody is able to know
if there is someone on the line...
In this case, I just was not online when those bugs and the seconds arrived and
they are back in the hughe mailbox, so.... And Chris -- as I wrote
already -- is on dialup. Did you even read what I wrote?
OK you have problems, I have mines and I depend on Impress for a lot of
things. If debian, as an organization, is not capable of aggregating
enough people on this _important_ software, this is _then_ an
organisational problem but did you ever requested help? Openoffice s the
way to attract people to non windows OS, provided it works on all platform.
Somehow, the last package incarnation has _clearly_ not been tested
because any impress user will notice the bug and find Impress is unusable...
Again: we *two* OOo packagers are busy and at the moment just don't have much
free time (again: Debian developers do everything in their free time...) to
react on bugreports immediately or even catch up on the existing ones....
Sure but other are _usually_ more responsive... I thinks having this
version of OOffice in sarge release cannot be as Impress is _unusable_.
No. There is color (and just color) formatting bugs and for the "normal"
formatting you still could use the buttons. I agree that this is a really
annoying bug and this somehow needs to be fixed but it does not render
_the whole application_ unusable which is the definition of grave.
No that not true. Whole characters Selection/Operation is completely
broken as
1) the Character menu segfault as soon as you want something on the
second or third menu items,
2) selection is forgotten when you open the color menu,
I'll open a grave bug ASAP so that someone care before sarge release.
You can downgrade it at will.
That is the interesting part. 1.1.2-4 just contained a security fix and
some fixes for printing. Hmm. Maybe that broke it... But I currently
don't have an idea why...
Surely not tested enough... I hope it is just a problem with development
/ ` Eric Valette
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