
Eric Valette wrote:
> >No. There is color (and just color) formatting bugs and for the "normal"
> >formatting you still could use the buttons. I agree that this is a really
> >annoying bug and this somehow needs to be fixed but it does not render
> >_the whole application_ unusable which is the definition of grave.
> No that not true. Whole characters Selection/Operation is completely 
> broken as
>       1) the Character menu segfault as soon as you want something on the 
> second or third menu items,
>       2) selection is forgotten when you open the color menu,

I just quickly tested whether the bug applied on my sarge box with unstable 
which I do use for work. Both bugs do not appear there.

On my sarge laptop those problems are there, though :(.


 .''`.  René Engelhard -- Debian GNU/Linux Developer
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