Jim Watson wrote:
On Sat, Oct 02, 2004 at 09:04:46PM +0200, Eric Valette wrote:

I am not sure this is a bug? I can reproduce such behaviour with my upstream
build but the behaviour seems "normal" to me. When text is selected so the text
box container is also selected and formats are applied to the whole box. But
the context menu (right click) can be used to apply formats to the selected

How do you then change only the color of one word in a sentence to highlight it? I used to do :
        1) Select the target word with the mouse,
        2) click on the character color icon,
        3) Apply the color on the selection,

That's the way official 1.1.2 build work on linux and windows. That's the way 1.1.2-3 was worling.

Now, as soon as the mouse enter the color chosing window, the selection becomes the entire word's box container. I do not want to create text box for chnaging a single word color!

FYI : this is totally new and never worked this way before. If it's upstream then probably the problem should be reported there as they probably have more ressources than debian has. maintainer could then backport the fix.

Thanks for the info anyway,

-- eric

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