Rene Engelhard wrote:
We were starting to compose a "we-need-help" page on OOo Con....
OK. This always surprises me that the number of developper/maintainer do
not reflect the importance of the packages in term of basic computer
usage (mozilla, openoffice, ppp, ...),
They worked. And we were in a hurry since that security problem had
to be fixed.
Well frankly, the security problem has probably been fixed upstream or
in other distro. If you use the security problem to rize the urgency to
upload a package and in the mean time push other unrelated and untested
changes that's how you miss the deadlines...
But you could use the buttons to use the basic formatting. Yes, that the
character stuff segfaults is bad, but you can use OOo Impress. Not as
complete as you probably want but you can use it => usable. That it is
buggy is some other part of the story but it is *not* unusable.
Impress with no colors on any characters usable? You are probably joking!
So my advice would be :
1) Remove the changes from 1.1.2-3 -> 1.1.2-4
2) Pick up the security fix from elsewhere (upstream probably) or other
distro and apply it,
3) rebuild and test on testing and sid/unstable. If it still breaks, it
means an unrelated chnage (compiler, librairies, ...),
4) if it works reload 1.1.2-5 ASAP...
Then start thinking about the printing problem. As you know 1.1.3-rc is
already there...
/ ` Eric Valette
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