David Zhou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Seems neither is too objecive.  But that's okay, he asked us for opinions
> :)  Personally, I liked Sylpheed. 
> There is no "answer."  Each person can only give examples of what they
> use.  Pine is perfectly alright in that it's pretty easy to use.  It's not
> free, but then again, the question didn't have free as a
> requirement.  Mutt is good too, but somewhat harder to use than pine.  

There are many mailer I would recommend, but the best one is the
one you prefer, as always :)

> I haven't a clue about the gnus emacs or whatever, since I tend to stay
> far far away from Emacs
> in general. 

  Gnus for Emacs does comply to all standards and this clueless guy
  is trying to spread FUD. 

Jérôme Marant


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