[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: >>> The usual answer is: yes, there is. Gnus for Emacs. >> >> No, Gnus is really crap: non-standard quotes, non-MIME attachments. > > Huh? No way, Gnus is probably the most powerful client out there; Sure, > it's compilcated to configure but it's worth it, no other mailier I know > of has the flexibility or scoring system it does, that I know of.
Assuming I refuse to touch LISP, is it still flexible? Nice would be: Posts to linux-kernel: Linus gets +10 What he replies to gets +8, and +3 for that one's parent. Followups to Linus get +3. etc. Personal: Email to me gets +12 Followups to something I sent get an extra +4 Plus I want evolution-style vfolders, a nice GTK interface, and a text-mode interface that runs over a crummy ssh connection without Alt, Meta, ^S, ^Q, or ^H. Threading support is critical.