On Sat, Jan 18, 2003 at 12:37:16PM +0900, micro-people wrote:
> just curious, but
> is there a vi friendly (or oriented) mailer out there ?
> have been a debianppc newbie for years @ iBook-Tangerine
> and wanna keep this machine promt-mode only

I would highly recommend mutt, it's default keybindings are vi-like, and it
looks at the EDITOR environmental variable to decide what you will use for
composing messages (if that's not set, I believe it falls back to vi). It is
also very configurable, so if you don't like the default keys, it's easy enough
to change them.

| Nathan Ingersoll           \\ Computer Systems & Network Coordinator |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]    \\ http://www.ruralcenter.org            |
| http://ningerso.atmos.org/   \\ Minnesota Center for Rural Health    |

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