Vincent Lefevre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Fri, Jan 17, 2003 at 22:38:12 +0100, Jérôme Marant wrote:
>> Would you please stop being stupid and prove what you tell before
>> spreading FUD? 
> *You* are stupid. You can't tell what I receive from this mailer.
> Here's an example (with all letters replaced by a "x"):


> You can see that the quotes are non-standard (preventing from coloring
> them -- otherwise one would have many false-positives). Usually the
> signature separator is correct, but here (and this is not the first
> time), the space after the two dashes is missing.

This has nothing to do with Gnus itself. You can configure the way
you quote messages, and that's it. If people do not respect such
way of quoting, just tell them.

I'm sorry, I have no intend to go for war with you. In a previous
mail, I tried to be objective presenting mailers with respect to
some criteria. As always, the best mailer is the one you use.

Jérôme Marant

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