On 28-Jan-99 Hartmut Koptein wrote:
>> Why?  Why should he be forced to acknowledge your bug reports?  If you want
>> an
>> answer, pester him with email, yourself.  Don't seek to get him thrown out
>> of
>> the Project.
> That was the reason one said "he should mail an notice about the bug report
> or
> he should request help". 
>> answer, pester him with email, yourself.  Don't seek to get him thrown out
>> of
> One mail is enough -- the bug report! I like it to see an fast upload from
> the
> maintainer then doing an NMU (with source) after a week or two. My bug-list
> is
> to big to pester every maintainer again and again.
What about me?  I'll use myself as example.  When I get bug reports, I look at
them... fix them if I can, file them in the "to be done" if I can't.  The person
who files that report won't hear from me, personally, unless I need for
information.  So now, I have a bug that's in the "to be done" list on a minor
package that I havn't touched for two months.  Kick me out?  I'm certainly

If "One mail is enough -- the bug report!" then One response should be enough,
also from the bug tracking system.  If you need the bug fixed, raise the
severity (it'll be fixed by the next release, pulled or get a response from the
maintainer as he lowers the severity to keep the package in).  If you don't
want to do that, pester the maintainer.  Otherwise, assume it got to him and
he'll fix it when he can.  I don't see why somebody has to be kicked out just
because he doesn't respond to the bug report in a timly manner.  Some of our
maintainer have a googleplex of packages and a personal response to each bug
report could take too much time.

Please cc all mailing list replies to me, also.
* http://benham.net/index.html                                     <><  *
* -------------------- * -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- ---------------*
*    Darren Benham     * Version: 3.1                                   *
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