If the maintainer is still around -- if he's posting on the list or uploading
that or other packages -- he's still here.  There's nothing in policy against
ignoring bugs.  

On 28-Jan-99 John Goerzen wrote:
> Again, as I said in my message, I'm not proposing removing developers that
> maintain packages with bugs, or packages with very old bugs.  This case is
> different.  The developer has literally *ignored* bugs for over 700 or 800
> days, depending on the bug.  That's right -- no response to the submittor. 
> No evidence of any action to fix it.  Nothing.  Another case is where there
> have been developers maintaining packages with release-critical bugs during
> a freeze but have not even made any effort to fix them (I would be satisfied
> by an effort of saying "I can't fix this, can anyone help?" to debian-devel)

Please cc all mailing list replies to me, also.
* http://benham.net/index.html                                     <><  *
* -------------------- * -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- ---------------*
*    Darren Benham     * Version: 3.1                                   *
*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  * GCS d+(-) s:+ a29 C++$ UL++>++++ P+++$ L++>++++*
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*   Debian Developer   * PE++ Y++ PGP++ t+ 5 X R+ !tv b++++ DI+++ D++   *
*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  * G++>G+++ e h+ r* y+                            *
* -------------------- * ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------ ---------------*

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