Hello, Recently there have been several things occuring that have prompted me to start asking about this:
* Despite having Important, Critical, or Grave bugs filed against their packages in frozen, some developers still ignore them. They could at least say "I can't fix this; can somebody else help?" * I have recently encountered a developer that has completely ignored some bugs for over 700 days and numerous bugs for over 200. His packages are languishing, and have required NMUs simply because they're so old that they mess things up with other software. E-mails get no reply, bug reports get no reply, etc. I view both of these as developers failing to live up to the responsibility that they accepted when they accepted maintainorship of packages. The second example is particularly bad; the developer could at least reply to the person submitting a bug. In light if this, I ask if we have some mechanism for either removing a developer from Debian if they have serious lack of responsibility issues, or at least of declaring their packages orphaned and up for adoption. If not, I would like to ask that we consider drafting a policy for such a situation. I am not proposing throwing people out for having bugs in their packages, or even for having lots of them. Rather, what I am proposing is a way to prevent people that ignore their responsibility from becoming a hindrance to the quality and freshness of Debian. Thanks, John