On 28-Jan-99 John Goerzen wrote:
> I think that sounds reasonable, but I would like to see more concrete
> guidelines someplace, even if the authority remains with them (which is fine
> with me)

I would, too, for one thing.  If a maintainer has been inactive (no email to
lists, no packages uploaded) for a year (12 months).  Email should be sent to
him at any and all possible addresses.  Basicly, attempt to contact him as best
is possible.  Find out if he's still interested.  If no contact is made, decla
re him MIA and orphan his packages.  He's not really a "Debian Developer" but 
there's nothing that says he can't come back if circumstances change.

(obviously, if he's contacted, whatever he indicates in the conversation would
be the action).  

Consider this a "Maintainer Package" with a team maintaining the maintainer ;)

This, however, is how to take action if the maintainer is out of touch.  I
think ripping membership from someone who's active requires a lot of
consideration and I'd hate to see that boil down to a bunch of rules.  The
process above would stop the moment the maintainer uploaded a package, posted
to a [EMAIL PROTECTED] or responded to "a ping".

- Darren
Please cc all mailing list replies to me, also.
* http://benham.net/index.html                                     <><  *
* -------------------- * -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- ---------------*
*    Darren Benham     * Version: 3.1                                   *
*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  * GCS d+(-) s:+ a29 C++$ UL++>++++ P+++$ L++>++++*
*       KC7YAQ         * E? W+++$ N+(-) o? K- w+++$(--) O M-- V- PS--   *
*   Debian Developer   * PE++ Y++ PGP++ t+ 5 X R+ !tv b++++ DI+++ D++   *
*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  * G++>G+++ e h+ r* y+                            *
* -------------------- * ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------ ---------------*

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