On 29-Jan-99 Hartmut Koptein wrote:
> This is now off-topic, but important (for me):
>> What about me?  I'll use myself as example.  When I get bug reports, I look
>> at
>> them... fix them if I can, file them in the "to be done" if I can't.  The
>> person
>> who files that report won't hear from me, personally, unless I need for
> Why will you not upload these packages then? 
If/when I fix them, yes.  One of the bugs against one of my packages is from a
port maintainer.  He doesn't like the way I layed out my rules file (it's
non-package manual) so he filed a bug.  I've not said anything to him.  I've
read the bug.  I'll rearrange it when I get a chance.  Right now, I'm working
on other projects.  *I havn't said anything to him* but 1) he (should) know I'm
active and 2) he (should) know the bug report was sent to me (BTS does that). 
Why should it be policy for me to have to send him note "I got it"?

>> If "One mail is enough -- the bug report!" then One response should be
>> enough,
>> also from the bug tracking system.  If you need the bug fixed, raise the
>> severity (it'll be fixed by the next release, pulled or get a response from
>> the
> ... raise the serverty ?  Should i do this really? If i should do this, slink
> will 
> never be released bevor june! :-)
That was sarcastic.  Jules has already reamed me for even saying it.

> I'll do make some NMU in the next time ( 2 - 3 weeks after the bug-report),
> if i don't hear 
> anything from the maintainer. Some of the maintainer send me a mail "please
> don't do
> an NMU, i will do it next weekend". This is then ok for me. I know then that
> the
> maintainer is active and will work on his package. 
Sounds like a good idea:
 1) send bug report.
 2) a week or three or whater passes by
 3) ask maintainer "what's up, doc?"
 4) more time passes
 5) decide to do a NMU and fire a message to the maintainer
 6) if he still doesn't say anything do the NMU

However, it doesn't need to be *policy* and there's no reason to have to
censure a maintainer because he's not replying to every bug.

Please cc all mailing list replies to me, also.
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*    Darren Benham     * Version: 3.1                                   *
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