On 20-Jun-2005, Steve Langasek wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 21, 2005 at 02:12:56PM +1000, Ben Finney wrote:
> >   - service-published content goes somewhere under /srv/
> >   - /srv/ is site-defined
> >     - thus shouldn't be clobbered by the package manager
> > That last one's a bit of a blocker, isn't it? We can put stuff in
> > /usr/share/PACKAGE/SOMETOKEN/ without worries. But how can we set
> > up a web application so it's ready to go, if the right place to
> > publish from is not writable by the package manager?
> Yes, there's the rub.  I think there's room for moving forward on
> this point, I just don't think that editing policy is the place to
> start; nor do I think this particular policy bug has anything at all
> to do with /srv, because you don't want the files belonging to the
> packages themselves to be affected by whatever local policy the site
> admin chooses to impose on /srv.

Yet some kind of connection needs to be established so that there's a
clear default location for how PACKAGE should tell whatever webserver
is on the system that there's a new bunch of files to be published.

If /srv/FOO/ -> /usr/share/PACKAGE/webapp/ is a level of indirection
that's required, are we saying there's another level required to
buffer /srv/ from our package system?

> > We could pass the question back a level: where should Apache, et
> > al, be looking for their web content? How can we tell Apache to
> > look under /srv/www/ if that directory is site-defined?
> Telling apache to look there doesn't clobber any contents set up by
> the site admin, does it?  It's just a configuration default, which
> can be changed.

Having answered the question of "how does Apache know", I hoped to get
closer to answering "how should packages tell $HTTPD".

 \             "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the |
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