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Neil McGovern wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 18, 2005 at 06:55:33PM +0200, Miguel Gea Milvaques wrote:
>>On policy 11.5.4 says:
>>"Web Applications should try to avoid storing files in the Web Document
>>Root. Instead they should use the /usr/share/doc/package directory for 
>>documents and register the Web Application via the doc-base package."
>>and in policy 12.3 says:
>>"Packages must not require the existence of any files in /usr/share/doc/
>>in order to function."
>>This points that all web applications that uses /usr/share/doc/package
>>directory are breaking policy 12.3, so I think policy 11.5.4 must recommend
>>other different directory.
>>Recent works on webapps-common alioth project recommends to use the
>>directory /usr/share/PACKAGE/www.
> The current version of the policy we're working on can be found at:
> http://people.debian.org/~neilm/webapps-policy/
> The plan is to get this finalised and get a 1.0 release ready for the
> release of Etch, hopefully with all packages compliant.
> As it's a work in progress, it should be considered a 'best practice'
> document, rather than an offical policy document.
> Also, as this is a draft, the useage of "/usr/share/PACKAGE/www" may
> change.  IMO, it's probably not going to, but it may be worth keeping
> (main) policy as is until we are in a position to release 1.0 of the
> WebApps policy.

No problem for me. But It could give little problems. On one of my
machines a was beholden to remove /usr/share/doc directory, it broke my
ldap-account-manager installation.

> This could also be a good time to give the webapps list[0] a good plug :)
> If you would like to join in, please come help. As well as the policy,
> we're creating some helper applications to do tasks such as the
> registering of a webapp with a webserver, database table creation etc.

I'm working on dbconfig-common in this moment and I read regularly
webapps list :). Thank you anyway.

- --
e-mail: Miguel Gea Milvaques <debian(@nospam)miguelgea.com
Blog: http://www.livejournal.com/users/xerakko/
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