On 21-Jun-2005, Brendan O'Dea wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 21, 2005 at 02:59:26PM +1000, Ben Finney wrote:
> >Yet some kind of connection needs to be established so that there's
> >a clear default location for how PACKAGE should tell whatever
> >webserver is on the system that there's a new bunch of files to be
> >published.
> Given that the layout of /srv is intended to be site-specific, I'm
> rather dubious about packages placing anything, including symlinks
> there.

So there's a FHS-specified standard location for service-published
content that we can't use for Debian packages?

> >Having answered the question of "how does Apache know", I hoped to
> >get closer to answering "how should packages tell $HTTPD".
> Take a look at the apache2-doc package which installs a config
> fragment as /etc/apache2/conf.d/apache2-doc referring to the
> documentation under /usr/share/doc/apache2-doc/manual.

That works for Apache (of certain versions). We should be trying to
formulate something that can work for *any* HTTPD. While conforming to
the FHS, if possible.

 \      "Just because nobody complains doesn't mean all parachutes are |
  `\                                          perfect."  -- Benny Hill |
_o__)                                                                  |

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